A fake Phishing Page to grab credit card information surfaced on instant messaging platform WhatsApp with text, ”New mode of bank fraud please educate one and all”. The message got instantly viral, creating mass hysteria and stirring up tensions.
Since a photo can say 1000 fake words as well, false graphic images are widely circulated on WhatsApp. People without hesitating posted status which last for 24hrs.
So, what is the truth?
The Mocked Image turned out to be genuine and is actual authentic page of registration for SBI card online.
Link Below

First, forwarded messages are not all bad. Some are genuinely good, others less so. A considerable number of WhatsApp forwards are full of rumors and misleading information!
Clearly, the need of the hour is to spot the fake messages and flag them.
According to a research, 60% of fake information cannot be spotted by average educated adults.
Real news and information is gradually getting buried in an avalanche of false news and videos.
How Do I find If message received is True or Hoax
1.Look for the ‘Forwarded’ label.
2.Google it out.
3.Overlook the messages that fuel emotions.
4. Is the image photo shopped?
5. This is the most important one: use common sense.
6. If It’s Fake, Flag It!
Remember , If you find that a WhatsApp forward sent to you is fake, flag it.
It may be annoying and awkward to tell the sender that the forward he/she sent was fake, but just do it. This will make them think before sending a fake forward again!
Never forward a WhatsApp message unless you’re certain it’s true.
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